It’s been over a month since I’ve made one of these posts, but I haven’t really been playing much. I guess I’ll base this post off the last one I made to point out what games I put down.
The first game I talked about last month Wrath of the Lich King. Yeah, I’m still playing that. Last month I was working on ToC5 gear. I finished all the gear from that and have been running heroics and doing battlegrounds. There’s still a wand and off-hands that are slightly better than what I have from some regular instances, but for the most part I need to run heroics. I bought my t8 chest piece with emblems, which is cool.
William, you can skip this next paragraph. You’ve heard it.
The game’s kind of discouraging now though. To progress I need to do heroics, but that requires a group of five. Getting a group is so difficult. There are a few things that annoy me. First, people leave the group while we’re still getting the last people without even saying anything. If they said “hey, this is taking too long so I’m gonna go. Sorry, but good luck” I wouldn’t be angry. But I find it very annoying that they just leave. If I met up with people to study at school, I wouldn’t just walk out of the room. Yes, yes, I know this is the Internet, but I guess that’s my point. Also, I hate that sometimes I ask a tank if they’d like to tank with out group, they say yes, I invite them, and they’re already in another group. I’m guessing what happens is that some other group sends them an invite, and they just assume it’s from my group. How about at least sending me a tell afterwards? I also find random group invites rude and don’t send invites without talking to the person first. Should I give up on that? Well, since the Looking For Group system sucks and sometimes marks people as tanks even though they didn’t select that, it seems like a bad idea. I’ve seen mages marked as tanks. Yesterday I saw two tanks in the LFG system for the heroic I needed – a level 1 Death Knight and a level 181 Death Knight, neither of which can exist. LFG is broken. Besides it being rude to send group invites randomly, I have no way of knowing that they REALLY can tank until I ask. Even when I get in a group, there’s a good chance it will have either idiots or assholes. It’s hard to find good people. It just doesn’t seem worth spending two hours and lots of stress to get a group to run one heroic.
Maybe everything will be better with Linh-Nam hits 80 with his hunter that he plans on using to play with us. Antonio and William already hit 80 with the characters they’re using with us, and gemma and I are 80. I’m still a little worried though because William and Linh-Nam already had 80s, and we didn’t run anything together. I think it’s because they were more progressed so it wouldn’t help them at all to help us. If that’s the case, as long as we stay at a similar progression, maybe things will go well when all five of us are together. It also just seems too good to be true. I’m going to play with a group of friends? No one’s going to leave and go do something else? Yeah, I’m not so sure. Playing with people on a regular basis kind of went away years and years ago, didn’t it?
Okay. Last time I posted I was in the ChEeSeaNaTers. Well, there were a lot of sexism and putting down homosexuality in guild chat, and I blew up on people multiple times, kicking out people I thought weren’t good to be around. Surprisingly the guild leaders were fine with it because they liked me and said I could kick anyone I didn’t like as long as I stayed, but the guild wasn’t so happy. I guess it just wasn’t a good fit. A lot of people seemed young and immature, like they were so excited and proud that they’ve had sex or can drink. Running raids was also frustrating because we’d run stuff low level raids, and people would constantly pull before everyone was even rez’ed. That was really minor though. My reason for leaving was really the personality mismatch with most of the guild. There were some people with whom I enjoyed running things, and I’ve played with them afterwards. I’ve even set aside my differences with some of the people that I was mad at and kicked in the past. I’ve run stuff with them since leaving and have done some bgs with them, and everything’s been fine. Anyways, I’m back in Playground Justice.
World of Warcraft is a lot of fun when I’m not stressing about heroics. Last night I did a bunch of battlegrounds, getting my last achievement (except for 100 wins and the meta of course) in Isle of Conquest. I also got a chance to do some real quests last night. I really enjoy Northrend questing! I feel like I get a lot more done when I forget about heroics, even if I’m not really progressing. Anyways, it’ll be a lot easier with the 3.3 system. The only real reason to worry about it now is to get the Proof of Demise achievement before it becomes at Feat of Strength in 3.3, but I’m not sure I can get that anyways. I’m really excited about last night though! Quests were so cool! For those who know, I did the chain in which you start to see a ghost in Icecrown. I don’t want to spoil. I also haven’t finished the chain, so don’t spoil the rest for me!
No more WoW talk.
I’m no longer playing Mafia Wars on my iPhone. I need more people in my mafia to do the new jobs, and I’ve been too lazy to go back to the JPAG thread to get more mafia members. I also stopped playing Sol Free Solitaire and A Quest Of Knights Onrush on my phone. I don’t know why.
inFamous! I haven’t really been playing it at all. I think the first time I played it since the last time I was posted was last night. I’m going to try to put some time into it more, even if it’s just a little. It’s a really fun game, although I think they should stop doing close ups of faces when the shadows are rendered all weird. The graphics are good, so why bother zooming close enough to show that they’re not good? I’m still on the second island and am playing through the hero campaign. Looking forward to finishing it.
I also mentioned last time a possible SelectButton Game Club of either a Donkey Kong Country game or Donkey Kong ’94. Guess what? Like all SBGCs, it didn’t materialize. Harvest Moon DS is another game I was playing that I stopped playing. Oh well. No real reason. But like I said in a previous post, I can’t seem to play Harvest Moon without William also playing Harvest Moon.
Well, that’s everything based on last month’s post. I have played a few other things a little. This morning I picked up Grand Theft Auto for PS1 a bit. Honestly I only played it for a half hour, so I’m not sure it counts. I also played FIFA 10 for the iPhone so I could review it. It was actually really cool, and I’m very impressed it, but it’s not really my type of game. At least the main modes aren’t. The mode where you just try to make/block goals is more my style.
I also started playing Warcraft III to get some of the story and background for World of Warcraft. So far I’ve enjoyed it, but I’m not very far. I just finished the intro in which you play as the Horde. Now I’m at the beginning of the human campaign.
And that’s everything I’ve been playing. Kind of sad. WoW takes up a lot of time. My plan is to finish inFamous, move on to Uncharted 2, and then hopefully play The Ballad of Gay Tony somehow. All of this would be squeezed between World of Warcraft of course, and maybe WC3 occasionally.