Kirby got excited.
Thanks for e-mailing this to me, Nintendo.
Monthly Archives: September 2010
SMBC: Preach What You Practice
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Heh. I like this one a lot.
KONNET PowerEZ Plus | iPhone/iPod, Reviews, Hardware
Posted a review of a great external battery for the iPhone.
More Games
Before I head to sleep, I thought I’d make one more post. I haven’t been playing a lot lately. Obviously I’m still raiding in WoW. I’ve done RS 10/25 on normal and am 1/12 ICC 25 H, 12/12 ICC 25 N, 8/12 ICC 10 H, and 12/12 ICC 10 N. In Ulduar, I’ve reached YS but haven’t downed him.
I did Zalazane’s Fall, which was really, really cool! With the 4.0 patch already on the background downloader, I really need to push though. I need to put all my time into Loremaster. I really wanted to see the Alliance side of old world as well, not to mention doing the Battle for Undercity as an Alliance character. And obviously, I want my ICC and Ulduar drakes. I know gem really wanted Shadowmourne, but I don’t think it’ll happen. OS 3D 25 drake, Onyxia drake, Mimiron’s Head, and the ZG mounts sure would be cool too (haha yeah right). I need to at least grind rep with Zandalar Tribe and do Stratholme runs. So much to do.
Other than that, I started playing through Gears of War again a bit after reading the novels. I’m playing on the middle difficulty this time, which is challenging (but I’m still progressing steadily). I also need to play Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Alien Swarm and finish BlazBlue, Mad World, and Demon’s Souls.
Lots of new games coming out soon and a few just came out. Ivy the Kiwi? and Progressor Layton 3 and the Unwound Future both came out recently. Sonic Colors, Dead Rising 2, A Shadow’s Tale, Vanquish, The Force Unleashed 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Sonic 4 Episode 1, Epic Mickey, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Donkey Kong Counry Returns, and Cataclysm all come out soon. I’m also still hoping that Aliens: Colonial Marines and Six Days in Fallujah are released.
And then there are further off releases like Portal 2, inFamous 2, The Last Guardian, Ico/SotC remakes, The Old Republic, and Guild Wars 2.
I wish I had more time to play these.
Downstairs Nook Sale
Today I was scheduled as a cashier downstairs. Things were going fairly well except that I was asked to gift wrap but sucked at it. Near the end of my shift, the downstairs customer service person was on break, and someone was looking at Nook cases. I talked to her and ended up making the sale despite being as far from the Nook desk as I could be in the store. It was pretty cool!
Horrible DMC Reboot
Devil May Cry reboot, in trailer and screenshot form | Joystiq
Click through to Joystiq and check out the trailer if you’re a Devil May Cry fan. Actually, if you’re a fan you might want to stay away from the trailer. This new direction looks horrible.
A Hero’s Welcome
Getting a drink at the bar with Kigon, Darth, and Moogle while waiting
to fight some Alliance scum. I prefer The Filthy Animal more because
the pets are better in our bar than the Alliance bar. Everyone knows
wolves are more intelligent and loyal than gnomes.
Mushroom Age
Mushroom Age for iPhone | Apple/Mac, Reviews, Adventure
I finally got around to reviewing this fun hidden-object game. I’m almost caught up now!
Sega Day and the Death of Bob’s Game
Sega Day and the Death of Bob’s Game | Blog | Game Boyz
I already covered these two topics on WebPageless, but I made a longer blog post on Game Boyz discussing these topics.