Sample Works

Technical Writing

Lantronix product documentation, writer, 2018-2012

I documented IoT hardware and utilities for Lantronix as both HTML and PDF. I used MarkDown, FrameMaker, InDesign, Word, Publisher, and Acrobat.

TaxCaddy Help Center, writer, 2017-2018
Software Documentation

I wrote the majority of the content in the TaxCaddy Help Center, including feature documentation, release notes, and issue tracking. I review the content regularly to ensure its accuracy, which required me to have a deep understanding of our software and what’s documented. I took over the management of the Help Center in mid-2017. As such, some content was pre-existing.

Toshiba Knowledge Base, writer, 2011-2016
Troubleshooting Guides

Toshiba’s support articles in the community Knowledge Base are used for general, non-model specific troubleshooting and information. The Toshiba community, including the Knowledge Base, was taken offline in October 2016. Here you can see a saved .pdf copy of one example. Additional examples can be provided upon request.

Toshiba How-To on YouTube, writer and voice actor, 2011-2016
Support Videos

I wrote the scripts for our support videos, which involved drafting, editing, and reviewing with subject matter experts and stakeholders. I usually wrote the scripts from scratch, but sometimes I was provided notes or outlines. I also provided the voice work for all our videos and on-camera presence when needed (usually with just my hands).

Personal or Game Journalism

WebPageless, owner and writer
Personal Blog

WebPageless is a personal blog and journal. I write here primarily for myself and an audience who already knows me well. These pieces are my most personal, and the tone reflects that. On this blog, some entries follow a bit of stream of consciousness and aren’t always edited.

Kor’kron 501st, owner and writer
Gaming Blog

Kor’kron 501st is a blog about World of Warcraft and other related games. It peaked in 2013, but I no longer write here frequently.

Polygons and Pixels, owner and writer
Gaming Blog

Polygons and Pixels is a general gaming blog. I no longer write here regularly.

WoW Insider (now rolled into Engadget), contributor
Gaming News Site

Twisted Nether Blogcast, episode guest
Gaming Podcast

The Twisted Nether Blogcast is a podcast about the World of Warcraft blogging community. I was invited to join an episode in 2014 directly following the release of World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor., contributing editor, 2011-2015
Gaming News Site

Game Boyz is a game news and review site based in Canada. I joined primarily to review iOS software and cover events in the US. Game Boyz has been on hiatus since 2015 and most of the site is down.